

Vintage styled subtractive synthesizer


Offworld delivers analog warmth, alias free sound, covering the piano’s full range. It does this through all new DSP algorithms. Most soft-synths sound like someone strangling a cat. I’d struggle to make an inspiring sound, and then try to EQ out the aliasing, and make slight variations to pitch and timing. Then I would lather on so much effect processing that the sound didn’t sound like the sound anymore. So, if you want to spend all of your time doing what I used to do, that’s fine. But, you should give Offworld a try instead. With minimal processing per track you can achieve analog sounding greatness, without all the fuss and mess. Get back to what you enjoy, creating music. I know, incredible right? It’s pretty amazing.

Download the Demo. It’s free. I think you’ll agree that Offworld sounds amazing!

Vintage styled, algorithmic (no samples), subtractive synthesizer, clean alias-free and ripple-free oscillators (no Gibbs effect), continuously variable wave shapes (sine, triangle, saw, square, pulse), unison (detune ratios from the Roland JP-8000), hard sync, ring modulation, linear FM, adjustable phase, low pass (24db/12db) and high pass (12db) filters, beautiful analog style stereo delay, 16 note polyphonic with true monophonic mode, traditional AHDSR envelopes with looping, and more. Across all wave shapes, at a 44.1K sample rate, the noise floor of a 1000Hz tone is around -170 dB.

Offworld is powerful, but not confusing or overly complicated. With Offworld, you don’t have to spend hours trying to create a preset that sounds good. Turn any knob at any time and it will sound wonderful, and that’s a huge time saver.

I spent 13 years creating new and innovative DSP algorithms, all custom, no off the shelf stuff here. My goal was to replace my Minimoog Voyager with a software plugin that inspired me musically. It took awhile, but here it is. Offworld is not suppose to be a copy of anything. It’s the best parts of my favorite synths. I hope it inspires you too.

Click here for more information.